We are a union local representing Allied Health Professionals at Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare, Windsor Regional Hospital and Erie Shores in Windsor-Essex County, Ontario

General Membership Meeting!
February 19, 2025 at the Caboto Club (2175 Parent Ave, Windsor)
Dinner served at 5pm, Meeting 5:30-7pm
We will be voting for Convention participants as well as Bargaining Teams for WRH and HDGH (Erie Shores will have a separate meeting).

You must RSVP to let us know if you plan on joining us for the meal so we know how much food to have them prepare. In your RSVP you can also let us know if have any food restrictions and/or you require childcare. Please RSVP by February 12th by clicking here: RSVP

Anyone that is interested in being a delegate/alternate/observer and attending the convention, can put your name forward for nomination ahead of the meeting. Please have your name and your nominator, for the pre-nominations in by Feb 18th at 9:00 am.  Submit your name to richard.baillargeon@wrh.on.ca  We will be taking any additional names from the floor on the day of the meeting as well.

Anyone that is interested in going for your respective Negotiation Committee, can put their name forward for nomination ahead of the meeting.  Please have your name and your nominator, for the pre-nominations in by Feb 18th at 9:00 am.  Submit your name to richard.baillargeon@wrh.on.ca We will be taking any additional names from the floor on the day of the meeting as well.

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