Category: Members
WRH/OPSEU 101 Information Sessions for the New Contract
Hello Sisters and Brothers, Please find the remaining articles that, along with the Arbitrated Award, become the Collective Agreement. For the remaining articles please click here —>Agreed to Items The Agreement is a 2 year deal which extends from April 1, 2014 and expired on March 31, 2016. Notice to bargain has already been filed…
Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
Rosemary Simmons is a OPSEU Local 101 Member. Her 11 year old son Scotty is currently fighting kidney cancer. A pasta dinner fundraiser is being held to assist him in his courageous battle. Please support Scotty in his current challenge. For more information please see the flyer below.
Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare Recognizes OPSEU 101 Steward Stephanie Robinson
Social Worker Stephanie Robinson, MSW, has been working as a service coordinator at the Regional Children’s Centre (RCC) since 2010. Over the past five years she has helped countless families access the services they need for their child or youth experiencing mental health issues. Earlier this year, Stephanie was handed a case that was…
OPSEU Local 101 Member Rita Gidillini Recipient of the Youth Engagement Excellence Award
Congratulations Rita! from OPSEU Local 101
Labour Day Gift Cards
Gift cards will be available for pick up tomorrow (September 16th) for those individuals who won a gift card in the Labour day draw. The cards will be available at the OPSEU Regional Office from 4 PM to 9 PM at 3005 Marentette Ave Suite 130 (use back entrance after 5:00 PM) View Larger Map
OPSEU 101 Member Dr. Bethany King interviewed on CBC Windsor Morning
Dr. Bethany King is a Psychologist at the Regional Children’s Centre at Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare and an OPSEU Local 101 member She was interviewed last week on CBC Windsor Morning discussing Teen Self Harm. To listen to this informative interview, please click here.
Local Vice President Speaks About Early Cancer Screening
OPSEU Local 101 1st Vice President Michele Buchanan was interviewed by CBC Radio Windsor Morning Show. She spoke openly and candidly about her own personal experience of breast cancer and the importance of early cancer screening. To hear the entire interview, please click here