Congrats to OPSEU Local 101 award recipients!

Let’s take a moment to congratulate some of our amazing Local 101 members on a job well done!

Over the past year, three of our OPSEU Local 101 members received the Platinum Jubilee Pin In Honour of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The award is an opportunity to recognize individuals who have dedicated themselves to serve family, community and country through significant contributions and achievements. Photos below are Ivanka Simeunovic receiving the award presented by Brian Masse (MP – Windsor West), and Sarah Myers at the award ceremony with her mother. Not pictured is Juliana Valeriani who was also an award recipient.

We have also been made aware of several of our Respiratory Therapy team that have received Above and Beyond awards from their employer, Windsor Regional Hospital. Congrats to: Ryan Kelly, Justin Danelon, Roger Desramaux, Ashlynn Quimby, and Meghan Authier. Windsor Regional Hospital staff can be nominated for an Above and Beyond by a patient, family member, coworker or manager for exceptional work where they have gone “above and beyond” in providing exceptional care. Fantastic job everyone!