Greetings from your OPSEU Local 101 Convention Delegates and Alternates!It was an interesting and eventful 2.5 days for our Local 101 Delegates and Alternates at the OPSEU Convention in Toronto. There was a host of excellent guest speakers, discussions and work done on the conference floor. Your team that participated in person was: Susan Bohnert-Hamelin, Richard Baillargeon, Anna Fleming, Ema Sisic, Jen Burton Liang, Katie Deschamps, Nichole Strong, and Jasmine Taylor. Attending virtually were Lauren Merritt and Marco Profetto.
To learn more about the convention proceedings click here:OPSEU convention newsHighlights of our guest speakers and presenters included:A moving opening to the convention by Indigenous drummers

Jagmeet Singh (NDP federal leader), Marit Stiles (NDP provincial leader) gave inspirational speeches:
Layla Staat (Indigenous Entrepeneur, Artist and Water Activist) gave members an opportunity for deep reflection on our values, what is worth fighting for and our connection to the water, land and each other:
Jollene Levid (Los Angeles Teachers Union strike organizer) spoke on how the LA teacher’s union coordinated a successful strike that lead to gaining all major demands with its employer:
We look forward to a productive year until the next convention!