The Hospital Professionals Division (HPD) offers 7 scholarships* (one per region) of $750 each annually to students who are entering professions within the HPD.(For more information about the HPD, and a list of professions included, click here.)
(*These are not associated with the Scholarships that were previously offered by OPSEU Local 143)
Who can apply:
The scholarship is open to OPSEU members or their dependents who are enrolled in a publicly-funded, recognized Canadian university or college. If you are a dependent of an OPSEU member, please submit the member’s name, your relationship him or her, and the number of his or her Local on your application form.
To receive the scholarship, the student must be confirmed as enrolled in a Hospital Professional program
How to apply:
1. Download the Application Form here and fill it out completely.
2. Include the following required submissions with your application form:
A personal statement about why you have chosen a hospital profession and what your future goals are
An essay of no more than 1,500 words answering both of the following questions:
What are the major issues facing Hospital Professionals today and how does OPSEU help workers deal with these issues?
In your opinion what are the strengths of a publicly funded health care system?
The deadline for submissions is September 3, 2014.
Send your application form, essay, and personal statement to:
OPSEU HPD Scholarship Fund
c/o OPSEU Training and Development Unit,
100 Lesmill Road,
Toronto, ON M3B 3P8
Or submit by email to
Essays and personal summaries are reviewed and marked by an adjudicator appointed by the Hospital Professionals Division of OPSEU. Essays will not be returned to the applicants.
Successful applicants will be asked to provide confirmation of university or college enrollment before the scholarship will be issued.
All selections are final. Scholarships are one-time only and will not be awarded more than once to the same applicant.
An appointed OPSEU representative will, to the extent possible, follow-up with the award winners and the school they are enrolled in at the time the award is issued to offer congratulations and ensure that the scholarship is recognized as part of the student’s record of achievement.
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