November 20, 2017 General Membership Meeting

OPSEU Local 101 General Membership Meeting

When: Monday November 20, 2017. Dinner will be served at 5:00 PM and the meeting will commence at 5:45 PM

Where: Royal Canadian Legion 1570 Marentette Ave. Windsor ONT

For meal planning purposes, we are asking OPSEU Local 101 members to submit their names prior to November 17, 2017. You can indicate whether you intend to attend the dinner by clicking on this link and submitting your name. 

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Swearing-In of new stewards
  2. Nominations and Election of new executives for local 101
  3. Nominations and Election of Convention (5) delegates and (5) alternates (Convention will be held in Toronto April 18-21 2017)
  4. Nominations and Election of committee members (Scholarship(3), Donation(3) and Health and Safety at Ouellette Campus(1))
  5. Nominations and Election of Trustees (2)
  6. Approval of 2018 Budget
  7. Other Business

***The proposed budget will be sent out closer to meeting for all members to review. ***


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