OPSEU Local 101 Donates Back to the Community

OPSEU Local 101 has chosen this years recipients for Donation. Thanks to all of the hard work of the Donations Committee.

Jen Burton-Liang and Lisa Karns members of the Donation Committee presented cheques to the recipients below.


Maikl Toma accepts $1000 donation for Family Respite Services.
Deb and Marleen accepting $1000 donation for Windsor Essex Brokerage for Personal Supports.
Jayce Carver, Executive Director, accepts $1000 donation for W. E. Trans Support (Windsor Essex Transgender and Allied Support)
Mike Clark, Manager of Public Relations and Fund Development at Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society accepts $1000 donation for the Music and Art Enrichment Program.
Cheryl Huczel from Autism Services Inc accepts $1000 donation.