2 Trustees are elected from the Local Membership at a General Membership Meeting and must not hold any other office within the Local while serving as a Trustee.
Trustees are elected for 2 year terms.
The function of the Trustees is to oversee the Trustees Audit Report (TAR) which is prepared by the Local Treasurer. The Trustees ensure that the all of the spending of the Local is accounted for and that the spending falls within the by-laws of the Local.
OPSEU Constitution requires that Trustee’s Audit Reports (TARS) are filed twice a year.
The period that the TARS are filed are from January 1 to June 30 and July 1 to December 31 of each year.
It is important that the Audits be completed in a timely fashion as the dues rebates that the Local receives from Head Office are contingent upon the TARS being completed and submitted.
On October 23, 2013, the Executive Board of OPSEU (Head Office), voted to amend the Local rebate formula. The purpose of the change was to clarify the complex formula while at the same time, increase the amount received by most Locals. The new rebate formula will be $31 per member for the first 50 members and $14 per member for the remaining members.
Locals who have a President on Full-time book-off ( Local 101 has a F/T book-off) will have their rebates reduced by 10%.
Our Treasurer is Anna Fleming, Windsor Regional Hospital (Ouellette Campus)
Our Local Trustees are: Denise Pace and Theresa St. Denis