Twitter Storm – June 10, 2020, 11am-2pm

Join us Wednesday, June 10th from 11am to 2pm for a Twitter Storm!

Let’s storm the leaders of this provincial government with as many tweets as possible demanding they include all frontline healthcare workers in the pandemic pay premiums. Even if your profession is now included in the list of essential workers, stand beside your colleagues and advocate for all to be included. Together we stand strong!

  • Login to your Twitter account/create an account in Twitter if you don’t already have one
  • Create your own tweets or if you’re not sure what to tweet, just check out OPSEU’s main Twitter page (@OPSEU) and OPSEU 101’s Twitter page (@OPSEULocal101). You can retweet some of the pandemic pay tweets that will be posted before and during the event.
  • Be sure to tag Doug Ford @fordnation, Christine Elliott @celliottability, and Peter Bethlenfalvy @PBethlenfalvy and add the hashtag #pandemicpay
  • Tweet multiple times between 11am and 2pm so that their feeds and notifications get inundated with our message.

As always, we thank you for all your support, hard work and dedication during these trying times. Remember we are in this together.