WRH Bargaining Team Update


Attention: Windsor Regional Hospital OPSEU Local 101 Members


Feb 11, 2020

After many days of Bargaining with the Employer at Windsor Regional Hospital, the decision was made to apply for Conciliation on Friday February 7th. This process will now proceed to include a Conciliator to help resolve the items that remain on the Bargaining table.

The Team was able to work through many of the Demand Set items, but outstanding monetary items still remain. It is our hope that we will come to resolution on these outstanding points during the next few Bargaining days, of which dates are to be yet determined.

The Bargaining Team for WRH is determined to keep everyone’s best interest at the forefront and come up with a solid Collective Agreement.

In Solidarity,

OPSEU Local 101, WRH Bargaining Team 2020