Join the rally to support public hospitals!

Join the rally to support public hospitals!

The Ford government’s policies are making the crisis in our hospitals worse. Join the Ontario Health Coalition for a protest at the corner of Tecumseh and Walker Road (beside the Windsor Hospital) to protect public hospitals.

OPSEU/SEFPO members are encouraged to bring signs and messages to tell Doug Ford to finally take urgent action to restore and rebuild our public hospital services; stop privatizing them!

Join healthcare providers, patients, advocates and all those who depend on public healthcare for themselves and their families, in this emergency rally to defend our hard-fought for public healthcare system.

No hospital employee is allowed to walk off the job to attend this rally, however, you can participate on your unpaid lunch break, and must ensure there is no negative impact to patient care. Those that are not on shift at the time of the rally are encouraged to participate in support of all Public Hospital Workers. Let’s make our message clear!


Date: Monday, December 12

Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm

Location: Corner of Tecumseh & Walker Road, Windsor

(beside Windsor Regional Hospital)

If you are able to make it, please contact Tracey Ramsey at

If you are not able to make it to the protest but still want to get involved, visit the Ontario Health Coalition’s website.