OPSEU Local 101 General Membership Meeting- January 14, 2015

OPSEU Local 101 General Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday January 14 at the Knights of Columbus Hall 2401 Columbus Drive Windsor ON N9E1R8

  • This meeting is for all members of OPSEU Local 101 (Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare and Windsor Regional Hospital)
  • Dinner will be served at 5PM
  • Meeting will commence at 5:30 PM

 Meeting agenda:

  1. Presentation and approval of OPSEU 101 By-Laws
  2. Presentation and approval of OPSEU 101 Budget
  3. Nomination and Election for Donation Committee (up to 5 people)
  4. Nomination and Election for Scholarship Committee (up to 3 people)
  5. Nominations and election of Delegates/Alternates for Convention May 7,8,9/ 2015
  6. Nomination and election of Delegates for BPS Convention June 5,6,7/ 2015
  7. Bargaining updates
  8. Other Business

For more information, please click here